Thursday, April 23, 2009

Twilight Obsession

so...I am coming clean...finally admitting to it

I read all 4 of the Twilight books in 1 week and I really loved them. I mean these books are not something I would usually pick up or even think twice about reading. Kevin and I had been boycotting the movie, but one night we decided to curl up and get a movie on OnDemand, Twilight was one of the only new ones...and we both actually liked it.

So I had a gift card to Barnes and Noble and spent a long time just browsing, enjoying an evening among books while Kevin had to work late. I picked up 2 already - Michael Chabons newest one, Gentlemen of the Road. The other book is Junot Diaz's The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.

I was about head out when I saw a display in the front for the Twilight books - I grabbed the first one on a whim. We had 2 friends staying with us, Brent & Erin and their baby Ander - so I thought that I would read Twilight first b/c it would be light and I wouldn't become too absorbed...umm I was totally wrong. I read the first one in 2 days, and then had to go back and get the next ones, one after the other, and 3000 pages later I was done. Kevin said I was completely obsessed and consumed by the books - and he is probably right :)

well...that's all i have to say about that. Oh and I snagged this great pic from a friends facebook page (her book club was reading them as well) - oh and now I can not wait to see the next movie, New Moon, which comes out in November (and yes I do feel like a 15 year old)

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